Friday, August 2, 2024



You can bet your ass this is mostly Joe Biden’s fault.

Following the plans of the Democrat Party, the Biden Administration has succeeded in further separating and dividing the rich from the poor, and all of this through the elimination of the middle class.  It only works for the “Socialist wannabees” if they can eliminate the middle class, leaving leadership and followership.

Some examples, and only a few show us just a sliver in the unfinished board of the Biden Administration and Democrat plan to bring American into Socialism at all costs.

2020 Eggs                   4.76 raft of 60.

2024 Eggs                   $17.50 raft of 60.  Highest price was in 2022 at $24.10         3.5x            Over 360%

2020 Milk                   $1.67 gallon whole milk

2024 Milk                   $3.00 gallon whole milk                                                         1.7x            Over 56%

2020 Gasoline             $2.34 gallon regular unleaded

2024 Gasoline             $3.85 gallon regular has gone as high as $5.10 per gallon.     1.6x            Over 40%

2020 Distilled H2O         .85 gallon distilled water.

2024 Distilled H2O     $1.30 gallon distilled water.                                                   1.5x            Over 65%

2020 Rent 2br 2ba       $  790 month rent.                                                                               

2024 Rent 2br 2ba       $2566 month rent.                                                                    3.2x            Over 300%

2020 Loaf of bread      $.75 per loaf

2024 Loaf of bread      $1.50 per loaf                                                                          2x            That’s 100%

2020 Medium home     $189,000

2024 Medium home     $460,000                                                                                 2.4x            Over 300%                

Get off your @sses and vote your future.  For those of you who will not or do not vote, “Just shut the Hell up and get what you get.”

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it! 

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