Friday, August 16, 2024



Illegal Immigration is taxing our very lives, as well as government finance.

Look at New York City, already they’ve spent over $5 Billion dollars on illegal aliens providing them food, shelter, cell phones, medical, educational, even legal aid at no charge to them whatsoever.  As they do so the bill is expected to double by the end of 2025 to over $10 Billion dollars.  This bill isn’t being paid by only New York City.  Biden & Harris are shipping money by the truck load to help them meet these impossible financial needs.

C’mon, it’s time to wake up, smell the coffee, and get to work.  And that’s what Donald Trump and J.D. Vance are doing.  They are setting up a system which will allow us to arrest law breakers and get rid of them.  As Mr. Trump has said, “… the largest deportation in U.S. history.”  We can’t feed the world, but we’ll go broke and join the hungry if we keep this up!

Here I am grousing about what New York has spent, but let’s look at Chicago shall we?  In the same 2-year period of time as New York, Chicago has spent $4 Billion dollars, a bill which is expected to expand to nearly $9 Billion dollars by the end of 2025.

Nationwide the cost is running at nearly $70 Billion dollars and is expected to surpass $150 Billion dollars by the end of 2025.  This is unacceptable and unsustainable!

Looking at these ‘direct costs’ doesn’t factor the influence this invasion has had on our society at large.  There is multiple tragedy going on every day because of their felonious invasion of our homeland.  Break-ins, robberies, muggings, rapes, fraud, human trafficking, and a host of uncounted expenses make this invasion more expensive than waging an all-out military war with Mexico.  Yep, we would spend less money and lose fewer lives if we just invaded Mexico and cleaned house … occupying it in the end.

I haven’t even mentioned the cost to taxpayers through the shrinking dollar and burgeoning economy plus record inflation, climbing unemployment … all caused by the actions of the invaders as they continue to swarm our country like locusts in a wheat field.  They eat, multiply, mooch, kill, and rape at large.  And we are financing their invasion and the devastation.

Already more ‘caravans’ from across the southern border are heading this way to take advantage of a weak presidency.  With Joe Biden persona non grata and Kamala Harris too busy campaigning to do anything about it.  These many tens of thousands of illegal aliens will overrun our fences, tear down our wall, beat and assault our peacekeepers at the border and bring with them diseases this country has not seen in decades.

Drug-resistant strains of Tuberculosis are on the rise as Alien children overrun our schools with no vaccinations or even physical exams.  Influenza strains not encountered in decades are on the rise.  Fentanyl, a deadly drug is murdering over 100,000 people in this country every year.  Our loss of life by this alone is greater than Israel experiences in a Hamas rocket attack!  Are you listening to me?

Illegal Aliens are draining the economy and destroying our society.  They make up the greatest invasion force ever assembled.  That’s in the history of the world people!  Already there are over 15 million of them in the country and it’s time we took hold of this horrifying reality and addressed it head-on.

The Supreme Court must be enjoined to rule whether or not ‘born in America’ means automatic citizenship.  This ‘anchor-baby’ crisis is upon us as pregnant aliens invade and give birth to their children on U.S. soil.  Drop a baby and voila!  You’re a Green Card holder.  By the way, it’s free for them.  My friend just gave birth to a baby for $9,000!  Meanwhile ‘Juanita’ is having her baby at taxpayer expense.   There is no ‘free lunch’.  Who do you think is paying for her baby?  A lot of it comes from outrageous medical expenses charged by hospitals increasingly overrun with Illegal Aliens’ medical needs.

Look at our major cities.  Look at our smaller towns.  Look at a national debt on the brink of exploding.

Vote for Donald Trump and J.D. Vance for leadership.  We need a firm hand to return freedom and prosperity to this once-great land.  It’s time to ‘Take America Back’ once and for all.

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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