Volume #08101025 August 10, 2023
We've done more than enough in our apology
for slavery.
The Jews were slaves for
thousands of years. The Chinese in
What's the difference here between the Jews, Chinese, and Irish people and their black counterparts? The answer is simple:
Only the blacks are whining about it.
Blacks and non-black anarchist 'wiggers'
feed on the resultant chaos.
We've spent far too much time, money, and effort trying to apologize for slavery. From the unconstitutional 'affirmative action' policies to 'minority-centric' welfare plans aimed primarily at blacks, all the way to their gross over-representation in films and television.
One can hardly turn on a television without seeing that nearly 87% of all commercial advertising features a black person and always in a good light. This 87% is according to the [U.S. Center for Television Marketing and Policy]. Here comes the question: Since blacks make up less than 12% of our population but occupy 87% of our television shows and advertisements, how can this be justified? Put the shoe on the other foot. Relegate Blacks to a mere 13% of all commercial advertising and television programming and see if they don't rise up in violent 'BLM Fashion'.
Recently the U.S. Supreme
Court shot down the extremely bigoted 'pro-black-only' recruitment
policies of
Is it 'apology' or are we afraid of black reprisals.
Blacks have a reputation for senseless
violence whenever they don't get their way.
You hear calls for restitution; giving money to blacks in an apologetic attempt to reconcile the slavery of their ancestors. But doing so won't change a thing. They'll continue to whine and demand. Yes, I said 'ancestors' because there isn't a black alive today whose grandparents or great grandparents or great great grandparents suffered under slavery. So, given the simple fact that it has been decades upon decades upon even more decades since slavery ended. Why should we give these whining anarchists a red cent in reparations?
"Give them an inch
and they'll take a mile."
If the idea of reparations had any validity I'd be due money because of my strongly Irish heritage. My ancestors were treated like dogs and worked as hard as any slave ever was. Theirs was a terrible and hard lot as they slaved their lives away in perpetual fiscal poverty and bondage.
My good friend Timothy Chang
would be paid for the suffering of his ancestors. It was they who were the large part of the
work forces and forced labour gangs who helped build the railroads that cross
this country. They stood there in rags,
hungry and often sick, who were there when the famous 'Golden Spike' was driven uniting both coasts
How about the Jews, people
like David Sapperstien, and the reparations they surely deserve even more than
anyone else if you are to accept the whole horribly flawed concept of 'reparations'.
Should the
Simply put: It's time we got our heads out of the past and moved on. It's time to 'get a life' and dismiss the scammers, bigots, and liars who are out for a quick buck under the farcical policy of 'slavery reparations'. It's time we stopped dragging down the quality of television [already trashy enough really] and on-air ads by a blind insistence to inject blacks into principle roles at every possible opportunity.
Surely there is a statute of limitations for this!
It's time we threw out the
insidious 'Hate Crime Legislation' around
the country. These laws presume to read
the mind of anyone accused of a 'Hate Crime'. 'Protected
Class' aka 'Black'
people are protected by the elevation of any crime against them to a felony 'Hate Crime'.
It doesn't work the other way around. I've spoken with prosecuting attorneys in
Hate Crime Laws are Bigoted and Prejudicial!
It's time we started treating people in this country equally. It's about time we stopped accentuating the colour of our skin or the flavour of our religious belief or the wonder of our God-given sexes.
Really, you guys need to knock it off and come back down to Earth and the reality that's right in front of us. Under the Obama and Biden administrations we have seen more social, racial, sexual, and religious division than in the previous 250 years in which we have been a country. It's time to re-discover the 'United' States of America and put to bed the 'Divided' States of America.
It's time people.
It's time.
I'm Max, and that's the way I see it!
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