When can we at least put a cap on
the V.A.B. epidemic?
V.A.B.s also known as Violent American Blacks. Their uncanny decades-long crime wave belies the fact that they only make up about 4.2% of the population. This number is derived from NCIC statistics covering black males and females aged 6 to 60.
This latest case involves an animal named Shawn Laval Smith, a 35-year-old criminal who admittedly was prowling the streets looking for ‘a white woman alone’ before he found her. As soon as he found her that’s when the sh!t hit the fan.
Shawn Laval Smith,
34, was “hunting for a woman alone” when
he ambushed 24-year-old Brianna Kupfer at her workplace in the boutique
furniture store. This is according to
the Office of the
I spoke with Officer Ramirez, a detective familiar with the crime and he said, “This punk has a record long enough to fill its own file drawer. He’s been busted and released over 40 times in the last 10 years alone. He’s made a career outta appearing before the judge and then walking out again.”
Smith then left an audio recorder which he used to document the attack and he also dropped off the filet knife he used to stab this little white college student no less than 46 times. His assault was so violent that he actually ended up bending the blade against her bones as he struck her again and again.
DNA from the blood on the knife matches that of Smith and Kupfer. His trial was short and sweet and the jury took very little time to convict Smith, a career criminal. At least he’s going to prison for a very long time.
We see sh!t like this every day in cities across the nation and, again according to NCIC data, V.A.B.s are responsible for over 84% of violent crime in America and over 91% of all violent attack murders.
I ask you, “How can it be that 4.2% of the population manages to commit 91% of violent murders and participate in 84% of violent crimes in general”? The answer is as simple as it is disturbing: The V.A.B. animals are a plague unto themselves. Their mere presence on the streets and in our society poses a clear and present danger to the population at large.
What about
sterilization of offenders so as not to allow them to re-populate society? How about exile to some foreign land such as
Something must be done but I will not risk being called a bigot simply because I report the facts.
I’m Max, and that’s
the way I see it!
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