NOT “Happy Holidays”
When we wish one
another a Merry Christmas, it’s a traditional and heartfelt greeting and
wish. This is how it has been since
before the
Many will
erroneously speak of the Judeo-Christian values of this land but they are, as I
said, in error.
Our incoming president will be sworn into office with his hand on The Bible. Witnesses sworn in to court proceedings more often than not do so on The Bible. Our very lifestyle and laws are based on the Bible.
Today, in order to avoid possibly offending anyone, many Americans have resorted to the hollow greeting of “Happy Holidays.” Remember that the extreme majority of Americans are not Muslim, Jewish or Jehovah Witnesses. We are Christians in a nation built on Christianity.
If I were to wish you “Happy Holidays” this is no grounds for you to fly off the handle and go into some idiotic diatribe regarding the evil of what I just said. Those are the words of a non-thinking fanatic. In fact, when one wishes me “Happy Holidays” I in turn wish them “Merry Christmas” with a smile and perhaps a tip of the hat.
We live in an incredibly thin-skinned and easily triggered land. Americans by and large are overly sensitive to a variety of things that shouldn’t even raise an eyebrow. The Kevins and Karens out there are looking for something to bitch about, and more is the shame.
Me? I always wish a “Merry Christmas” and understand that if someone is offended by this that’s just too damn bad. I am a Christian. My country is Christian. Our entire society has been formed around The Bible. And that’s all there is to it.
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