Mexico, a failed nation, is at
‘silent war’ with us.
From their
president all the way down to the merchant on the corner,
At present the Peso is valued at 17 Pesos to the dollar. Yes, the Peso, the ‘Mexican Dollar’ is already hardly worth anything except that the World Monetary Fund has held it up to prevent complete and utter collapse of this sad excuse of a nation.
Barely able to pay
a 3rd rate military, a 4th rate police force, and 5th
rate politicians and local authorities
Every month
gullible Americans and other foreigners go to
From pushing their own people over our southern border, the Mexican ‘government’ facilitates people from all over the world in their trek across our border to where the Biden Administration works overtime to scatter these people all over the nation. Yes, from sea to shining sea and border to border our president and his flunkies work to make it almost impossible to find, let alone deport, these felonious trespassers we call Illegal Aliens.
Hardened convicts,
drug addicts, mental cases, terrorists, thieves, murderers, rapists, and
villains of every stripe are pouring into our country, and most are coming
through our nearly non-existent southern border. Beware of
Tener miedo. Ten mucho miedo.
I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!
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