Monday, June 27, 2022



Volume #1093                                        June 28, 2022


Finance expert tells us the naked and obvious truths about cash.

I am at that age where my investments for retirement are either promising or disappointing.  It's hard to tell what to do in this world of 401k, IRA, etc.  It's also such a strain when you look at fiat currency [that's government minted and printed cash], cryptocurrency [such as Bitcoin and Dogecoin], and precious metals [such as Gold and Silver].  Where do we go from here?

I spoke with David Goldman, P.A.  David is an expert on wealth maintenance and retention.  He told me, "In no uncertain terms, the best possible investment for long term retirement goals is precious metals.  Both gold and silver are the promise of the future."


Gold and Silver are the promise of the future


 Looking at the facts it's easy to see why he's so much in favour of gold and silver.  Let's see some of the reasons, shall we?

Gold & Silver have been the standards of wealth since before recorded history.  Man has traded in these precious metals for a number of reasons, religious, philosophical, and practical.

● In today's world, Gold is a powerful driving force which, ultimately, is the basis of any sound currency.  Its value will dip and climb often, subject only to the illicit manipulation of world banks.  These manipulations are always transitory and always expire as the real value of gold becomes blatantly obvious.

Another reason is the extreme rarity of gold.  Gold is so rare that metals specialist R. Silverstein of Silverstein Investments says, "All of the known gold and gold reserve in the world would, at .9999 purity, fit into a 69 cubic foot cube.  This limited space would contain all known gold in the world today.  To put it simple, 'it's not being made anymore."  He's right, and that description of rarity tells me that you could put all the world's gold into a 6-story building!  Damn that's rare!


There's not enough gold to go around!


Silver is another matter.  This is a precious and industrial metal.  It has long been traded, even as long as gold itself.  While gold is the 'King of Metals', silver is the 'Prince of Metals' and shows far more promise of increase in value than even gold.

According to Li Qui, Senior Investment Analyst for China Construction Bank, "The demand for silver has skyrocketed in the past 5 years and shows no signs of slowing down.  Manufacture of long-life batteries of every size, solar cell panels, and microchips demands much silver, and China leads the world in manufacture of these items.  We will buy all the silver we can.  Yes, silver is valuable and useful, which is why I look for its value to leap in higher percent gains than gold."


Silver is both precious and industrial metal


Li also says that the usefulness of silver makes it much more difficult for banks to manipulate in value and, as we see now, it is beginning to escape the bonds of bank manipulation as China, India, Singapore, and Japan have begun to stockpile silver.  For this reason David Goldman, Ryan Silverstein, Li Qui, and many other gurus in the investment field are expecting the price of silver to nearly double in the next 10 years.

Remember this; the value of precious metals is only valued in dollar amounts by those unaware of precious metals' 'real' value.  The true value of gold and silver is its intrinsic trade value.  Either traded for dollars or goods, silver, and gold are always your best bets.  Also keep in mind that precious metals are always best kept 'in hand' and not held with 'paper certifications'.

When you actually have that gold or silver in your hand, it's your business and nobody else's, that includes the government!  In 401k or other 'gold permitted investments', the IRS has a handle on your money, and it only takes the stroke of a pen from a president who hates your guts to take it all away.


Keep your metals close, safe, and secret.


I'm Max, and that's the way I see it!

P.S. long before modern economies existed, and even now, precious metals are the royal family of economic safety.  Gold, as the king of metals, has held an almost 'holy' or 'supernatural' allure since time began.  Silver, the prince of metals has held its own grip on the hearts of the greedy as well as the wise.

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