Our nation's woes boil down to a common denominator
We live in troubled times. But the lesser details mean little when looking for the single common denominator. Don’t overly complicate things. Just look at the laundry list of issues before boiling it all down.
● Covid-19 Hysteria.
● Invasion of millions of illegal aliens.
● Strengthening of radical anti-US terrorist forces overseas.
● Illegal drugs pouring over our southern border as never before.
● America’s disgrace, militarily and politically, on the world stage.
● Supply chain disruption of virtually all goods in the country.
● Inflation across the board.
● Skyrocketing price Gasoline, Diesel, and Fuel oil.
● Vaccine mandates causing millions to lose their jobs in critical hospital, fire, and police.
● Civil unrest as America has been divided between the injected and the un-injected.
● Racial tensions between black and white.
This list goes on and on, but it can all be boiled down to a single common denominator. Are you ready? Here we go ...
The one common denominator to these and more is none other than Joe Biden. He alone has the power and the gall to create this chaos. His continued overreach by way of ‘Executive Order’ and other illegal actions can be attributed to virtually every one of the problems threatening our republic.
I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!