Monday, May 10, 2021



Volume 370                                 May 11, 2021


Buy Max Allen’s books, “Eyes on China” and “Paper Dragon” available at

It’s almost impossible to keep up with the silly shit that keeps dripping from Joe Biden’s lips.  Every time he opens his mouth his foot flies in it.  Let’s take a look at his latest idiocy, shall we?  Biden says people able to work must take jobs or lose unemployment benefits as businesses across the country say they can’t find enough people willing to come back to work.

Now, as silly as it seems, President Biden has risen to the call … sort of.  He said he wants to make sure people offered a job either take it or lose the generous China Virus unemployment benefits.

Do you see the problem here?  Stop a minute and think about it.  If someone is out to cheat or ‘game the system’ doesn’t look for a job, he or she won’t be offered one.  There ya go!  All anyone needs to do to ‘game the system’ is just sit on his or her lazy @ss and draw unemployment courtesy of the American People.

In a recent press conference Lyin’ Biden said, “The law is clear: if you’re receiving unemployment benefits and you’re offered a suitable job, you can’t refuse that job and just keep getting the unemployment benefits.”

What he didn’t say is that it’s almost impossible to keep the terminally lazy from ‘gaming the system’.  Even in states with stricter unemployment compensation regulations such as Florida, it’s next to impossible.

In Florida anyone drawing unemployment benefits must show evidence of having contacted at least 3 employers in any given week.  But … with China Virus Hysteria still high, these lazy so-and-so’s are allowed to inquire by telephone.  So what does any accomplished ‘system gamer’ do?  He or she calls 3 places they know is way out of their field of employability.

For example:  Most Americans can call a nuclear research facility and inquire as to positions for theoretical physicists or the like and, unless qualified for the job, be sure of being told, “Sorry, we have no job for you.”  Having called any number of nuke facilities, law firms, etc. he or she checks off the boxes, and writes down the name and phone number of those whom they facetiously contacted.

So, Lyin’ Biden I have one question to ask you.  If you can pull your foot out of your mouth long enough to answer I’d like to hear it!  Are ya ready?  Here we go:

What steps, if any, do you foresee to greatly reduce or eliminate those ‘gaming the system’ and continuing to draw unemployment benefits?  Joe, I have a solution but I’m pretty sure you don’t want to hear it.  Oh, what is it?  It’s simple: Just cut off federal unemployment compensation and let the states handle the rest their own way.  There ya go!

Click here for more Biden idiocy:

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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