Monday, January 24, 2022



Volume: 1026                              January 25, 2022


The number of new Covid infections has nothing to do with reality!

We listen to, watch, or read news from all manner of sources and we pay attention to Omicron numbers.  They sound terrible but, in actuality, are completely misleading.  Confusing by design, the media will only speak of the actual number of new tested cases of the Omicron variant.

What the media and ‘politically invented science’ seem to be leaving out is how many people are being hospitalized due to symptomatic Omicron.  We need to straighten out the many lies here and now:

Dr. Haley Abernathy, MD says, “Because a person is admitted to hospital after testing positive for the Corona Virus doesn’t necessarily mean the virus is what hospitalized the patient.  In the majority of cases my group has studied, we’ve found that patients may be admitted for a myriad of reasons other than showing Covid symptoms.  In fact, the overwhelming majority of those testing positive have been asymptomatic.  This brings about more questions than answers.”

When I went on to ask her about the “test and diagnose” policies of hospitals she further elaborated, “We use standard testing procedures on virtually anyone who is to be admitted or treated in a hospital environment.  The FDA insert to the test reads, ‘Results of this test are not conclusive and may vary depending on a myriad of factors.’  Now this is a bit confusing when one reads the entire insert and sees the many, many influencing factors from co-morbidities, sex, age, body weight, current medications in use, batch number of the test in use, and the list goes on and on.

This is why the current hospital tests are, according to the World Health Organization, showing an estimated 51% false positive results while home tests show up to 80% false positive results.  To sum it up, testing for the virus is highly unreliable.  She said that her hospital tests a second time if the first test showed a positive result.

According to a number of doctors I spoke with, none of whom is under the thumb of a major hospital or health care organization, the entire ‘test-and-diagnose’ idea is ludicrous.  It’s clear too that increased federal and insurance funding for ‘Covid Verified Patients’ has lead to considerable fraud nationwide and continues to do so even now.

As for the new Omicron Variant, it’s conveniently left out by mainstream media that actual hospitalizations due to Symptomatic Omicron are down over 80% from this time last year [See NIH website] and the growing nationwide staffing crisis is due entirely to hospital vaccine mandate policies.  This is due to horrible HR policies and not a sudden ‘surge’ of the ill.

Media labelling of Omicron as ‘The pandemic of the unvaccinated’ shows no scientific evidence whatsoever as symptoms among the infected whether vaccinated or not are pretty much identical in frequency of occurrence and severity of case.  There is no evidence to show that unvaccinated people spread the disease, catch the disease, or are hospitalized by the disease any more than those who have had even all 3 of their injections.

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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