Monday, January 17, 2022



Volume: 1014                              January 18, 2022


As the media progresses, they are surely ‘whitening’ Black America

It’s a phenomenon that, until now, would have defied imagination or justification.  Unfortunately, or fortunately, it all depends on how you look at it.  We are seeing Black America being presented more and more by the media as being socially and even culturally identical to White America.  This presentation is taking hold and has begun [it still has a long way to go] to change the social landscape of both Black and White America.  The result is confusing and disturbing.


Let’s backtrack to the beginnings of this.  Let’s go back to the year 1984, a seminal time in American culture.  The American people, both black and white, were in a state of flux.  The nation was recovering from the violence of race riots and the uncertainty of an increasingly liberal white nation.  The blacks, it seemed, had identified themselves as they wished to be seen and seemed content with being American Blacks.

The American Black Culture had their own tastes in food, music, and entertainment.  They still do.  From the way they dressed and deported themselves to the way they loved, lived, and worked it was ‘their way’.  Racial tensions had pretty well settled down and a ‘live and let live’ attitude pervaded the fabric of American Culture and Society.  To put it simply, “all was right with the world.

American Whites are a peculiar group.  They consist of not only purely European Caucasians but also Oriental Asians.  With similarities in culture, habits, wants, needs, and societal values they more or less coalesced into what was soon to be recognized as ‘White America’.  The needs and wants of the new White America centred on a god-fearing, righteous, and moral core.  The idea of ‘shacking up’, while quite normal and readily accepted among Blacks, was still taboo among Whites.  The idea that one owed a certain moral debt to society, while intrinsic to Whites, was nothing like the ‘devil may care’ and ‘everyone for his or her self’ way of the Blacks.

This was a time when social, moral, fiscal, and legal responsibility, were the standards of White America while almost completely ignored by Black America.  This explained [and continues to explain] the always high crime rates among American Blacks.  The Violent American Black subculture has long preyed upon its own, and any other ‘targets of opportunity’.

This very different nature of both races explains why the natural tendency to ‘ghettoize’ was so strong, and among many both White and Black is still strong.  Ghettoizing is “a section of a city or other urban area inhabited predominantly by members of an ethnic or other minority group.”—World Dictionary  Anthropologists and psychologists tell us that it’s a natural process.

Doctor Stanley Gorland, Ph.D., an analytical anthropologist, says, “Societies have ghettoized since the dawn of time.  Anywhere in the world you go, whether it be New York City or the isolated jungles of New Guinea, you will find ghettoizing among the people.  It’s simply that they find survival and coexistence easier among their own.


What Dr. Gorland says makes perfect sense.  Just 50 or 60 years ago we saw areas of major cities with names like ‘Little Italy’, ‘Little Greece’, ‘Chinatown’, and even ‘Little Africa’ and nobody raised an eyebrow at the fact that people just wanted to be left alone and in the company they prefer.  So what’s wrong with that?  Let me tell you.

Globalists have their own vision, their own dream which is a world united and integrated.  They call for ‘Ultimate Diversity’ among all people.  Their long, long range goal is that all will be meshed into a very similar race sharing the same ideals, culture, societal values, morals, and even physical characteristics.  It was in 1984 that their efforts toward this nightmarish goal came to fruition.

The 1968 riots which tore Detroit apart and set afire entire city blocks had given rise to increased tribalization natural to Black America at large.  It further solidified public opinion on both sides of the fence in that blacks and whites were largely different and, in most social issues completely unalike.  Already the ‘Fatherless Family’ was the norm in black ghettos.  From then until now it is actually uncommon to find a black person who has grown up with both natural parents or with a father figure at all!


Of the ‘Fatherless Family’, I spoke with noted Anthropologist Josef Rothschild and he had a great deal to say here.  He says, “Negroids have evolved along almost entirely different lines of evolution than Asians and Caucasians.  A great anthropological mystery, the topic of discussion among many, is why we cannot connect the evolution of either race to the other.  There seems no common thread of evolution and hence one must assume that they have indeed descended from totally foreign origins of species.”

He goes on to say, “Descended from simian origins along a unique path, Black males today share the same resistance to the fathering nature as do their simian counterparts.  If you look at a Mountain Gorilla for instance, you will find that as soon as the baby is born the father wants nothing to do with the offspring.  He exhibits absolutely no physical or emotional attraction to the infant and will go to great lengths to deny his fatherhood.  When you look at Black men today the same situation appears again and again.  The similarities cannot be ignored.

While Dr. Rothschild’s theory may strike many of the thinner-skinned among you, the science is far too strong to be ignored and this is a theory shared by many in the field.  No, this is not chastising one race or another.  Nor is it assigning a slur or insult of any kind.  These professionals are merely ‘connecting the dots’ in a complex chain of events beginning with the primordial ooze to today’s humans.

So, let’s get back to the subject at hand, the ‘whitening’ of Black America.  I have been in conference with Globalists and Globalist-Watchers on this topic and what I have found is disturbing; it seems that, since they have failed to regress whites to the state of blacks, in essence having failed to send whites ‘back to the jungle’, they will instead work to bring blacks to a plane similar to that of whites.  If this is confusing, let me clarify it to some extent.


There is a mix of standards which is now self-evident.  Educationally, we are seeing the push to degree as many blacks as we can, softening the trend of blacks to drop out of school and promoting more employment opportunities for them.  While we have had some success in this area it has not been without cost.  The cost is, as Anthropologist Dr. Elaine Rither, PhD, says, “We have succeeded in increasing the number of Black Americans graduating from colleges and universities only through the softening of standards.  By lowering the bar for blacks as well as whites the degree itself has been cheapened.  Many formerly mandatory studies such as Latin, Greek, and advanced forms of Mathematics have been tossed overboard the ship of educationThese are areas where black students have typically done very poorly and by keeping them mandatory, far fewer blacks graduated.  I guess I’ve elaborated enough, but it’s a fact that, as a black woman myself, I am dismayed at the ‘softening of standards’ and cheapening of a college education which have gone on in and before my lifetime.”

What we have here is a move toward ‘equalizing’ educations and educational opportunities, but at what price?  What Dr. Nissin has to say is a clear example of how whites have been further dragged into the abyss of ‘diversity’ as seen by Globalists.  But here is where that is most confusing; we see blacks being falsely elevated educationally as whites are being brought down to meet them.  When the blacks and whites ‘meet in the middle’ of education you have an overall inferior product all around.  It really does nothing for the blacks except to give them a false sense of accomplishment and competence while it does much to the whites in that it drags them down and again, as with their black counterparts, it brings a false sense of accomplishment and competence.  That can’t be good!

In the area of promoting social integration, Globalists have embarked on a massive decades long media campaign whereby an ‘anything goes’ society is endorsed.  Whereas the ties to homosexuality are strongest among blacks, it has been promoted and even promulgated among whites since at least 1984 when it appeared to have a sudden up-tick.  Fake reports and false statistics greatly exaggerated the homosexual presence in the United States.  From television and motion pictures, both heavily influenced by Globalists, to radio and print media the idea was spread insisting that homosexuality was ‘an alternate lifestyle’ and hence, completely acceptable.


The acceptance and even glamorizing of the homosexual lifestyle gave birth to a new movement subverting the values and morals of White America even more than Black America.  The reasons are two-fold according to Alexander Nissin, a media analyst and research psychologist.  He says, “We saw that blacks always had a much higher level of homosexuality and other behaviours which deviate from then established norms.  A closer look shows how media has succeeded in making the entire ‘taboo’ of homosexuality normal and even glamorous.  This has drawn more white folks into experimentation and hence, more and more whites as defined [both Asian and Caucasian] have ‘gone gay’ as a result.”

What we have here is another ‘meet me in the middle’ approach to sex and morality.  Interracial shacking up and marriage accompanying homosexuality in all its perverse forms are already acceptable to the mainstream of American Society.  In the case of morals and sex, we’ve dragged the two races together into a single den of debauchery.

On a direct racial plane we’ve seen television commercials and shows depicting blacks as living the same way that whites do.  From the little house in the suburbs with the white picket fence, a boat, two kids, and a dog to the city-dwelling condominium life we both blacks and whites sharing the same neighbourhoods and floors in the apartment building.  We see black kids dressed in their Catholic School uniforms jaunting off to school with their white friends … all nice and remarkably diverse!  In television drama we see blacks portrayed as dressing, talking, and even behaving on the most advanced levels of white society and civilization.  Put in the vernacular, “That ain’t how black folks roll!

If globalist modern television were to remake ‘Leave it to Beaver’, I have no doubt the kids would be black, but wear the same clothes and speak in the same accented vernacular as Wally and Beaver Cleaver.  Dad and Mom, while black, would mimic Ward and June Cleaver.  Globalists are straining at the leash to convince us that the only difference between the two races is the colour of their skin.  Oops!  I’d better not give them any ideas!

Unfortunately, this is not so.  There are physical, medical, cultural, and philosophical differences between whites and black that run far deeper than the efforts of Globalists who would put the lie to established science.  And as they work ever harder and harder to ‘whiten’ American Black Society, it will never work.  Neither side wants to ‘join the other’ and neither side should be shoved down the others’ throats.  The natural tendency to ghettoize is primordially originating and unbreakable.  It goes without saying that the blacks are being made to ‘more white’ than whites are being made ‘more black’, although sometimes the line is very blurry.  However, I have decided to lean toward the slightly heavier weight and refer to the ‘whitening’ of Black America’.

The harder government and Globalists push, the harder both black and white America will push back.

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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