Wednesday, August 25, 2021



Volume 698                                August 26, 2021


Just what part does Joe Biden play in the greater scheme of things?

When something seems too crazy to be real, it often is.  What am I getting at?” you ask.  Well, it’s the apparent invulnerability of people like the Biden Crime Cartel; Joe and Hunter in particular.  Here we have father and son who have been up to more mischief than a ten-year-old boy in a hay barn with a box of matches.  We have an illegitimate president who, I am sure, loves his son and is fiercely loyal to his family.  We have seen case after case where Joe has intervened in legal and business affairs to keep his kids out of trouble.  We’ve seen a certain ‘privilege’ one might consider unique to holders of high office extended to his children.

As Barack Obama’s Vice President, Joe Biden plied greased many a palm around the world in exchange for favours of various sorts.  This was ostensibly to keep his perennially criminal son, Hunter, out of jail and out of the public eye.  Worse yet is Joe’s complicity in his son’s behalf not only as a father, but as financial beneficiary.  Yes, he has used his son to a ‘fare thee well’ and garnered untold financial favours in return.

Hunter, as a tool of his Dad, managed to scam the Ukrainian oil company Burisma, the Construction Bank of China, and a host of other smaller countries using his ties to ‘Daddy’ the vice president for leverage.  Yep, while he certainly is a crack-smoking drug-addled and overindulged little bastard, he is clever enough to ply others for favours and cash at the behest of his father, Joe Biden.

Ah, what can we say about Hunter?  How many people are stoned so often that they lose three [3] laptop computers, all containing legally and morally damning evidence, images, emails, and a host of videos?  You got it right; this guy didn’t lose ‘just a laptop’.  He didn’t lose ‘a couple of laptops’.  No, this ‘rock-star’ lost three, yes, three … that’s uno, dos, tres … 3 laptops!  Any one of them holds enough information to put this little bastard in jail for a long time and, according to very good sources, put Dad in the same cell!

We all remember when the first laptop was ‘lost’ at a computer repair shop.  When the data was turned over to the FBI by way of Rudy Giuliani, the Feds ‘sat on this’ until after the presidential election.  We all know that the FBI has been so politicized as to have lost all effectiveness and respect.  They have become an international joke.  Well anyway, they held onto this laptop and suppressed the information until just too much of what it held became public by way of …. was it Russia?  Nope!  A little digging shows the information was being ‘leaked’ from Beijing, China.  Yes, our yellow-skinned friends from across the sea have that information and, it would appear they have the information and data from all three [3] laptops!

Damn!  What are the odds they’d get their hands on one [1] let alone three [3] of these things?  I have a couple of laptops, one is in my studio as an ‘auxiliary terminal’ and the other sits in a closet ‘just in case’.

Back to the data, but for the sake of convenience I’ll refer to the data on all three [3] laptops as singular in source to keep them straight.

Here we go.  On these laptops we have already seen emails between Hunter and Joe and accomplice businesses referring to remuneration for both father and son.

We have seen some really embarrassing and often confusing situations such as Hunter Biden’s appointment to the board of directors of Burisma, the Ukrainian petroleum giant.  Okay, so Hunter had no education, expertise, or even rudimentary understanding of the petroleum industry but it still seemed a good idea to salary him at $35,000 a month as a member of the board of directors in perpetual absentia.  No wonder gas is so high at the pumps!

According to a source within Burisma, this ‘loan’ was granted on “a promise to reciprocate in a meaningful manner as son of the Vice President of the United States.”  Well, I’m not going to proffer a legal argument here, but it sure seems like bribery to me.  What other reason could anyone have to give such outlandish amounts of money with no viable or practical reason?

Then there’s the deal with the Communist Chinese in Beijing.  Hunter floated a ‘forgivable loan’ from the Construction Bank of China for over $1.5 Million.  Interestingly there was no collateral, no promise, and no expertise to ‘secure’ this loan. 

What is Beijing getting in return for their favours [or is it already blackmail?]  They have a ‘front row seat’ to American government.  They intend on rebuilding this country in their own image.  And yes, they have a ‘Plan B’ here.  This is insidious and brilliant!

My sources have convinced me that there is enough dirt on the entire Biden Crime Cartel to put them all away for a very long time.  Presumably there is sufficient ‘capital crime’ evidence as to impose sentences on Joe and Hunter more severe than just loss of freedom.  Joe is, as all sell-outs are, a coward.  Joe fears death and even more he fears the imprisonment, punishment, or death of his son Hunter.  Joe has already shown that he’ll ‘do anything’ for family.

In a gentler-than-blackmail move, Beijing has shown us that a thing like Hunter’s latest ‘work of art’ [a childish rendering not worthy of an advanced 4th grade primary school student] selling for a half million dollars is nothing more than a backdoor to the oval office.  The more they succeed in greasing the palms of a president, the more they hold him in the iron grip of blackmail!

Now that Dad is president, room for corruption has ballooned on a massive scale.  We see Joe Biden’s erratic and unexplainable behaviour take centre stage in the world forum.  From his disastrous handling of the economy to his unparalleled purge of patriots in the military and even his deliberate division of the people Joe is ‘a man on a mission’.  What possible reason could Lyin’ Biden have to work so hard on so many fronts to destroy the United States?  Let’s look at his actions and apparent missions first;

● Joe destroyed the southern border of the United States in arguably the single most damaging action he could have taken against this country.  The flood of illegal alien invaders into this country is at its highest since we began keeping records.  Their influx has drained the government financially, morally, and socially.

The crime, drugs, violence, disease, and social unrest the southern invaders bring are without parallel.  They are literally an ‘invading army’ and their presence has caused no end of grief, heartache, and expense to the American People.  Worst of all is the increasing number of Arab terrorists crossing our southern border.

Already my friends in the intelligence community tell me they have a nick-name for the southern border, they call it ‘The Induction Centre’, a place where terrorists can freely enter the country and be relocated, at taxpayer expense, into the nation’s heartland.

● Joe has done more to divide the nation than even his mentor, Barack Obama.  He has driven wedges deeply between sexes, religions, economic classes, races, and the politic-minded.  He has religions at each other’s throats as never before as he spreads his anti-Christian rhetoric through government policy.  As his administration has played ‘soft ball’ with Islam, they have come down hard on Christianity, weaponizing the IRS and the FBI in the process.  Obama did it because he is Muslim.  Biden does it purely for profit, the exact nature of which is yet to be revealed.

Every form of sexual deviance is not only tolerated, but legally protected and openly endorsed within this administration.  Joe has worked hard to shoehorn this into the curriculum of our children’s public education.  From K-12 and in our Colleges the idea that sexual deviance is ‘normal’ and ‘natural’ is pushed on us all.

● Joe has pretty well finished off public education where virtually every school teacher and administrator is an agent of social progressiveness or outright Communism.  They are more directed toward indoctrinating our children than actually educating them.  Recently the State of Oregon discontinued Reading, Writing, Mathematics, and Science from the curriculum requirements of their public education.

Our public universities as well as those receiving federal funds have become indoctrination centres for our young and are more hostile to free speech than was Adolf Hitler!  Hitler would let you speak your piece, try to argue you down if he could, and then slap you in chains if he failed to ‘turn you around’.  Today’s colleges won’t let you open your mouth … not more than once anyway!

Parents are kept out of the education process by hook and by crook.  Every dirty trick in the book is used from coast to coast to keep parental influence out of the schools.  Leave education to the professionals.” is the mantra of teachers and their unions.  Keep in mind that the teachers’ unions get their marching orders from Beijing.  State and local school boards are guilty of malfeasance on an unbelievable scale and you can see what they’ve done to public education across the country.  Just take a look around you.

● Joe has begun purging the military of patriotic Americans.  He has instructed his ‘Washington’ generals to weed out anyone who expresses love of the Constitution, God, or America as a society.  These general officers will quickly label such people as having ‘views incompatible with those necessary in military life.’  These general ‘suck-ups’ are also weeding out overtly Christian members of the military.

In the official releases of the Department of Homeland Security, along with the FBI, it is stated that these sorts of patriotic or Christian people present a greater threat to the safety of the nation than even Taliban terrorists.  They warn us to stay on the lookout for ‘domestic terror’ as a primary threat to our way of life.

● Joe has worked hard to bankrupt the country.  His massive spending is without precedent and he’s more than willing to break the law and defy the Supreme Court to get it done.  Working hand-in-glove with operatives such as Nancy Pelosi, he has crafted legislation that would ensure the financial bankruptcy of the country.  The latest spending bills represent nothing less than a ‘wish list’ of the far left.  From mileage taxes on vehicles to massive fuel tax increases and a host of other things, Biden will do all in his power to bring this country to its knees.

● Joe, along with his puppet masters of Beijing and Nancy Pelosi, is pushing legislation that would permanently change the way Americans choose their leaders.  It would go as far as to create a ‘one-party-state’ like the one China enjoys.  It would strip away the constitutional rights of each state to choose their own elected representatives and to assign congressional and senate districts within their own states.  It would bring in a plethora of changes which, while small and seemingly insignificant on the surface, would amount to a collective tsunami of change.  The United States of America would quickly become the 2nd largest ‘one-party’ dictatorship in the world, ranking only behind The People’s Republic of China.  I lived in China for 15 years and let me tell you, it’s no picnic!

● Joe, along with major pharmaceutical firms [all of which have heavy financing from China] has ensured their ability to drain the wealth from our country with multi-billion dollar contracts for vaccine drugs.  Even more interesting is that the U.S. government has made all of these firms immune from civil or legal prosecution.  Should bad things happen to those who take their chemical cocktail, the drug maker is immune.  Of course, the same immunity from litigation covers their drugs’ inability to do what it claims it can do.  Knowing that these firms are in bed with Beijing only makes the case against Lyin’ Biden even stronger.

Biden has also stepped up the pressure to have every living American injected with these chemicals.  The goal is that by the end of next year every person in the country from age 3 and up will have been vaccinated.  Once the market is saturated, along comes ‘the booster shot’ which will again double previous criminally high profit margins for these Beijing financed companies.  Some speculate that these ‘boosters’ could well become an annual event in all countries of the world.  What a windfall for Beijing!

This means that Covid-19, a Chinese creation, will serve as a funnel for the entire world’s wealth to pour into the coffers of the Communist Party of China.  Their greatest single ally is most certainly Joseph Biden.

Well, the list of what this bastard has done, is doing, and plans to do to this country pales in comparison to his most recent and startling betrayal of the American People.  Joe Biden gave Afghanistan to the Taliban.  His deliberate surrender of all things Afghani wreaks of corruption and reward.  The questions on this front are myriad and can only have a single answer; corruption.


● Why didn’t Biden consult any of our United Nations and NATO allies before making the order for an ‘almost immediate’ withdrawal of military presence from Afghanistan?

● Why didn’t Biden consult the embassy in Kabul before launching his rapid troop withdrawal and abandonment?

● Why didn’t Biden allow for transportation or destruction of the $6 Billion dollar arsenal on their way out?  Why did he almost insist those weapons stay there?

● Why did Biden lie openly to the American People just long enough to keep them at bay as he made this fateful and horrible decision?

● Why does Biden continue to lie in virtually every press conference before, during, and after this tragedy?

● Why does Biden take every possible opportunity to distract press and people from the issue of the Afghanistan tragedy?

● Why has Biden told his generals to keep troops in a single area, the airport, making them almost totally ineffective and far more vulnerable to enemy attack?

Well, the answer couldn’t be clearer.  The Chinese are finishing their ‘New Silk Road’ project giving them access to all countries in the middle-east.  With America, allies, and a standing Afghanistan military such a feat was beyond Chinese achievement.  Now it has been handed to them on a silver platter as China has already signed trade deals with the Taliban.

From naval bases on the Mediterranean to air bases in Afghanistan, China has big plans.  Her pursuit of world domination hasn’t even slowed as every ‘10 year plan’ brings them a step closer to their goal.  The only thing standing in their way has been the largest superpower, the United States.  Unable to combat America militarily, they have done so ideologically, politically, legally, and financially.  With people like Joe Biden in their hip pocket, this country is in very real danger of becoming a suburb of China.

The greater scheme of things shows China to be the ‘man behind the curtain’ in a game of global conquest and domination.  The end is not a pretty one and may only be reversible through revolution, more than likely a bloody one.  I weep for the people of the world.

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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