Wednesday, August 25, 2021



Volume 697                                August 26, 2021


Our #1 priority is rescuing our American hostages in Afghanistan

As Washington struggles to deal with matters of procedure, legislation, and politicking they have left the most important matter in the shadows of their rhetoric.  We need to concentrate on the single greatest crisis of the day, Afghanistan!

Our American brothers and sisters, our Soldiers, Marines, and Airmen, our UN and NATO allies, our Afghani friends, and American civilians are trapped in an Islamic Caliphate where every minute increases the danger they are in.  The threat to our people is very real and we needn’t get political about anything right now!  The house is on fire and we’re worrying about painting the garage!  I would urge members of the House and Senate to focus on this most critical issue. 

Recent briefings with the U.S. Congress have revealed that the August 31st Taliban deadline for evacuation is impractical and impossible.  There is no way we can get all Americans and allies out of that dirty sandbox by the end of this month.  The president is ignoring fact and caving to the will of Islamic terrorists.  His reckless behaviour puts our people in harm’s way and this is not acceptable!

Every governor of every state and every Congressman and Senator needs to pressure the president to do the right thing or get him out of office so that somebody can do the right thing.  The horrific results of this retreat have resulted in Isis and Taliban now owning over 35 Billion Dollars in American state-of-the-art weaponry ranking from Abrams battle tanks to Blackhawk helicopters to stinger missiles and even artillery pieces.  Tens of thousands of small arms and millions of rounds of ammunition are now in their hands.

They are holding onto biometric equipment which contains the retinal scans, fingerprints, identification photos, and even medical records of hundreds and hundreds of high security personnel American, European, and Afghani.  This means they’ll have no trouble tracking down and killing anyone who had anything to do with American, UN, NATO, and Afghanistan armed forces for the last 20 years.

Focus people, focus!  As we speak, the Taliban are already hunting down and killing people.  They are torturing them as well.  Entire families are being hunted down and killed.  The Taliban is ramping up as we are ramping down.  If we do not bolster our forces sufficient to remove our people from there, their blood will be on Washington’s hands.

Remember too that what happens in Afghanistan won’t stay in Afghanistan.  This is now the most well armed and best equipped caliphate in the world.  They have weapons and technology in such quantities and of such quality that their military might even eclipses the neighbouring terror centre of Iran.  We have built one of the most powerful armies and air forces in the world and handed it over without even a whimper to the Taliban and Isis forces.

I have this information directly from representatives who attended a closed-door briefing and what they learned was that, without direct military action, we are going to leave hundreds, possibly thousands of American citizens to languish in the arms of Radical Islam awaiting fates worth than death.  We must do something and we must do it now!  Not tomorrow, but now!

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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