Tuesday, August 24, 2021



Volume 696                                August 25, 2021



As America’s government turns its back on Afghanistan, they turn their back on the world.

In Afghanistan the Taliban has seized so complete a power that they are already dictating to the allied powers in place when and how they will leave the country.  Backed by elements of Al Qaeda, the country of Afghanistan has fallen completely to the radical Islamists of the Taliban and assorted factions.  Factions the Taliban can’t always control.

Unfortunately, this happened so quickly it has left Americans and allies stranded in pockets around the country.  From Kandahar to Kabul innocents sit huddled in the dark awaiting a rescue that is probably not going to happen.  As British, French, and even Chinese troops are moving swiftly and stealthily to extricate their people, American forces have had their hands tied.

Governed by generals who won their stars not on the battlefield, but polishing seats in the Pentagon, these men with rows of unearned ribbons on their chests are the buffoons and charlatans who don’t know, or care to know, how to win a war.  This explains our horrible 20-year experiment in ‘nation building’ in that horrible sandbox called ‘The middle-east’.

As our forces sit on their hands, through no fault of their own, Americans and allies are already held hostage.  Now that the Taliban is in position to dictate to the allied powers, our job has become even more dangerous.  Joe Biden has ‘gifted’ these terrorists with billions of dollars in America’s ‘state of the art’ weaponry and equipment.  The technological advantage the United States and her allies previously enjoyed has been erased with a stroke an illegitimate president’s pen.

The Taliban has given us less than a week to get out and, as things stand, that’s not happening!  Already the Taliban has forbidden American Citizens of Arabic ancestry and former allies of the United States from leaving citing fear of a ‘brain drain’ on their country.  The fact is that’s not of any concern to the Neanderthals now in charge.  Like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, or Castro they want to keep those whom they want to destroy.  They delight in taking life, especially when it is in the cause of their god.

Mark my words, if we don’t launch a full-out military assault, more American civilians and friends of America and their children will suffer horribly at the hands of the Taliban.  Make no mistake, the Taliban has their names, picture identification, and know where they live.  They have already sworn to ‘weed out the infidel and the traitor in the name of Allah’.  They will go ‘door-to-door’ finding and executing those whom they don’t first torture.

Their children will be sold into slavery along with many of their young women.  The lives of those who are not directly targeted by Taliban terrorists will be inexorably changed as the strictest form of Shariʿa Law is imposed upon them.

Women will not be allowed to leave their home unless totally covered and in the presence of a male member of their family.  Children will be forced to comply with the law as well.  Disobedience even among children can result in canings and even death.  It is not that rare for Taliban to behead or beat to death 10 and 12 year old children.

Keep in mind that Taliban are ruthless, merciless, soulless killers.  They joy in inflicting pain and suffering on others.  In the name of their god they will perpetrate the most heinous of crimes and sleep well at night.  Already they are staging public executions of those whom they don’t approve.  From smaller towns to the larger cities people are being dragged out of their homes or off the job site and stoned to death, beheaded, or shot in the back of the head.  The carnage has begun and there is no end in sight.

To be a Christian in Afghanistan is an automatic death sentence.  As a Christian, the Taliban won’t let you leave the country because they feel it ‘their duty’ to kill you.  Christians must await terror, torture, disfigurement, and execution all at the behest of the powers that be.

This is a 2-pronged fight against Radical Islam and the Taliban terrorists now occupying Afghanistan.  President Biden and his supporters are guilty of treason and, by default, murder.  The deaths of so many innocents are on the heads of America’s ‘illegitimate’ government.

As the UK and other nations have held Biden in contempt, so do I.  I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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