Saturday, August 7, 2021

* * * * * THE ‘WOKE’ MEDIA IS AT IT AGAIN! * * * * *


Volume 637                                August 8, 2021

Why is the media portraying ‘racial fantasy’ in their television advertising?

In a host of television commercials you see the ‘typical American family’ enjoying a meal, playing in the yard, figuring taxes, etc.  What you see nearly 84% of the time is a white man and a black woman, small interracial child in tow.  Or, within this same percentile, you see a black man and a white woman, again with interracial child in tow.

This is fantasy and the numbers are totally askew.  Why in Hell is Madison Avenue working so hard to condition us to the standards of the new ‘Woke’ culture?  Let’s look at the numbers.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of mixed marriages in the United States is at 7.4%.  Now, this number covers any marriage between different races.  What’s interesting is that the majority of these are not black/white.

2.0% of mixed marriages are between Hispanics and Whites.

1.8% are between Asians / Whites.  I’m married to a wonderful Asian woman by the way.

1.2% are between Blacks and Whites.

0.9% are between Blacks and Hispanics.

0.7% are between Hispanics and Asians.

0.6% are between Blacks and Asians.

0.2% are listed as ‘other racial couplings’.

Now, what’s so significant about these numbers?  Why does this subject even come up in my editorial?  The answer is that, hand-in-hand with the Communist Party, the major media has bent over backwards in order to condition us to accept ‘their woke version of reality’.  Their social conditioning has leaned hard in favour of promoting as normal that which is not.

According to the Ad Integrity Council, television commercials featuring married couples show them as Black / White nearly 84% of the time.  This would lead anyone to believe that Black / White couples are indeed commonplace.  With the actual number is only 1.2% of all married couples.  This puts the lie to their innuendo.

Even more disturbing is that the same commercials depict ‘same race’ couples only 8% of the time.  Again, it’s innuendo.  They are portraying a lie.  They would have you believe that married couples of ‘same race’ are indeed very, very uncommon.  Such could not be further from the truth, not when over 92% of marriages in America are ‘same race’.  With such a large ‘norm’, why is it that advertisers refuse to portray the world as it is?

The final indignity of these ‘woke’ advertisers is their depiction of Asians, in any capacity, barely 3% of the time.  Yep, only 3 in 100 televisions advertisements depict a married couple with an Asian presence.  Granted, Asians are a very small minority.  Unfortunately, the ‘woke’ media practices a black / white only policy meaning that, in their eyes, there are really only two races of people in America:  Blacks and Whites.

I’m not here to assign motive or mindset to commercial advertisers, but find these figures are extremely interesting.  This is especially disturbing after speaking with an advertiser.  She works for one of the nation’s largest advertising agencies.  When we spoke she said, “When casting for any ads featuring married couples or families we spend an inordinate amount of time finding black and white actors, and especially mixed- race children, for our ads.”  She goes on to say, “When confronted with actor after actor, all capable, we have to choose a cast portraying mixed marriages with … a Black / White couple and interracial children.”

Wokeness is alive and well in our country, and there’s got to be a reason why Madison Avenue is working so hard conditioning us in so many other aspects of social behaviours.  I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!
P.S.  Look for maxallenshow also on

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