Sunday, August 8, 2021



Volume 640                                August 9, 2021

Far too many Americans have been cowed by relentless government propaganda

 It tires the soul to watch the mindless masses parade by in their propaganda induced stupor.  The lazy and uncaring float among the flotsam and jetsam of society.  If you can even call it that.  I watch in despair, being a member of a distinct and often persecuted minority.  A am a thinker, a speaker, and a doer.

Doers do.  Speakers speak.  And thinkers think.  This means that we listen, read, meet, and evaluate as many aspects of a topic as best we can.  This means that, based on the evidence painstakingly gathered, we come to decisions.  This means that, having made an informed decision, we speak and do what must be said or done in order to enlighten the slack-jawed, mouth-breathing masses.

Our country is a mass of 320 Million people effectively governed and run by a mere handful of people in Washington.  The masses submit to the few with misplaced faith and acute ignorance.  What to do?

I’ve said it a thousand times at least.

● Read: don’t just glance at a headline or read the first line in an article.  Read in depth.  Vary your sources to at least two opinions on any given topic.

● Listen: listen to media, friends, colleagues, and professionals.  Again, vary your sources to at least two prevailing opinions on any given topic.

● Pray or meditate: Evaluate what you have read, seen, and heard.  Evaluate based on an objective approach where you openly listen to both or more sides of the issue.

● Act and Speak: Talk to friends and relatives about what you have learned and how you went about learning it.  Act on this as best you are able.  It’s amazing how effective ‘word of mouth’ is.  Protest and engage in civil disobedience as you can.

Remember this.  You are fighting for your lives here.  Contact elected officials and get on their case.  Protest and join movements that consolidate power through the power of many.  Do something or just lay back, let what happens happen, and shut your damned mouths!

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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