Thursday, August 19, 2021



Volume 678                                August 20, 2021


 Biden and Harris ‘get into it’ over Afghanistan troop withdrawal

You’re just along for the ride sister.” said President Joe Biden.  He was responding to Harris’ tirade condemning his decision to ‘bug out’ of Afghanistan.  An aide in the next room who couldn’t help but hear the shouting match tells us about the heated exchange.

You’ve heard what these men have to say.” Kamala braced her argument against the sudden withdrawal of troops.  She continued, “This will not end well.  The reason you have generals and advisors is to let them run things like wars.”  It was then that she hit a sore spot with the president as she proclaimed, “You were never in the military.  You never served.  You had 5 separate draft deferments so that you could stay out of the military.  You even protested the military.  What makes you feel you can override these generals?

Joe had had enough.  This is when Joe stood up, puffed his chest, and pointed his finger in the face of the Vice President.  He was shouting, “You’re just along for the ride sister.”  As he left the room he muttered what sounded like the ‘N-word’ and could clearly be heard saying, “Just get off my back.”

Where’s Kamala now?  Harris is still silent a week later.  While President Biden and key members of his national security team have borne the brunt of criticism and outrage over the swift fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban — and the scenes of chaos and carnage as Americans and Afghans attempt to get out of the country — Vice President Kamala Harris has kept a conspicuously low profile.

This radical departure from her ‘press-loving’ self is likely due to threats from Joe Biden.  Joe is not happy that his Vice President is opposed to his plans.  Those who know Joe know that anyone who opposes him on nearly any front is in for a verbal beat-down.  This is a man who cannot and will not take advice or criticism of any kind.  This is the madman in the White House.

Click here for a related story:

As for Kamala, she’s being a ‘good girl’ and keeping out of it.  While I’m sure it galls her to stay in the shadows, it certainly can’t hurt her already battered reputation to eventually be the one who says, “I told him so.”

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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