Volume 169 February 19, 2021
By Max Allen
Now can you spell ‘vindictive’? In a post-Trump era we see one thing which
remains constant. That seemingly ‘eternal’
constant is the persecution of President Donald Trump.
He left office in a peaceful transition and Joe took the
White House in a highly contested and questionable election. You’d think it’d be over right? Wrong!
The media, under Communist finance and direction from Beijing
and Tehran, continues to rail on
the former president.
Can you believe the New York Times has 2 full-time employees
whose only job it is to dig up, make up, conjure up, and write up negative
things about President Trump? Now, this
has been going on with the Times for nearly 5 full years as they were early to
jump onboard the Never-Trumper movement.
Ask yourself about the New York Times and the Washington Post.
Ask this about any major newspaper that is bashing the Hell
out of Trump. Here it is; “If these
papers are bleeding money as reported, what keeps them afloat?” It can’t be advertising revenue because that
has been in the tank for years. It can’t
be that they are drawing on their ‘rainy day funds’ to tide them over …
not for 5 years! There is a huge influx
of cash coming from other sources, namely China
and Iran. Think about it. Beijing
and Tehran have enough money to
fund all of the failing media such as CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, YouTube,
Facebook, Twitter, and a host of other media of every stripe.
Now that the president has been cleared of any wrongdoing by
a 2nd impeachment trial the Commies and Sandies are scared to
death! President Trump remains a
dominant force, if not ‘the’ dominant force, in the Republican
Party. Donald Trump alone has the
charisma and ability to pull the party together and maybe even run for president
in 2024.
Xi Jin Ping has admitted, as have Nancy Pelosi and a host of
others, that the single scariest thing they can envision is Donald Trump back
in the White House 4 short years from now!
It is this fear that drives China
and Iran crazy
and into a panic. When you wonder why
there isn’t a major form of media in America
that doesn’t absolutely hate Donald Trump, just follow the money!
I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!