Friday, September 9, 2022

A MONKEY POX PRIMER: Everything you want to know but have been afraid to ask.


Volume #090922-1300                              September 9, 2022


All you need to know about Monkey Pox

● Monkey Pox transmission almost always occurs through “close and intimate physical contact.” There are three main modes of disease movement, the most common one being through prolonged intimate, skin-on-skin contact: a long embrace, kissing and, of course, sex.

● Dr. Langston Wimmer of the Goodings Virological Institute says, "This virus cannot be spread through sneezing, coughing, or casual contact such as a handshake or a brief hug.  It is not an aerosol contagion, meaning that it doesn't spread through the air in micro-droplets.  Transmission, or movement, of the disease requires prolonged close physical contact such as deep-kissing and sex."

● Dr. Wolfgang Hachstedter of the Berlin Virology Clinic says, "This virus has an extremely short lifespan when out of the body such as on a bus bench or a toilet seat.  Because it dies so very quickly it needs prolonged active contact to spread, the likelihood of catching this virus by any means other than close, prolonged, and intimate contact is extremely remote."

As there is no cure for Monkey Pox, treatment is focused on symptom mitigation, except for some cases in which antiviral treatments are used to quell the pathogen. The vast majority of cases will be resolved without lasting impact.  Fortunately, the currently circulating virus carries an almost negligible fatality rate. “It’s uncomfortable, it’s painful… but most people recover within two to four weeks,” says Dr. Allen Swanson of the World Health Organization.

He adds, "Remember that there is no cure, which means the virus will remain active in the host body for as long as that host shall live.  Flare-ups and resurgence of the disease are possible and even likely in such cases where an infected person experiences extreme shock or trauma.  If the immune system is compromised for any reason this is an invitation to the Monkey Pox symptoms to reappear."

● Dr. Suryakant Chopra, MD of the Mumbai Clinic says, "Monkey Pox is a lifetime disease.  There is no cure, only mitigation of symptoms, which means this is something the infected will have to deal with the rest of their lives.  Much like Malaria, it is a disease which 'lays in wait' within your system and can recur without warning.  Usually, such recurrence is brought about by trauma and compromised immunity.  With good diet, exercise, and responsible sexual behaviour it is well managed.  It is not fatal!  It is very painful and can debilitate a person for weeks, but it will not kill."

● Monkey Pox almost exclusively a 'gay' disease, with over 97% of all cases occurring in gay and bisexual males.  Of those infected, nearly 98% are of African descent.  The disease is most prevalent among the Gay and Bisexual African community.

America's tolerance, even endorsement, of the LGBTQ lifestyle has caused the US to have the largest and fastest world's fastest growing Monkey Pox population.  Germany, also known for LBGTQ tolerance and endorsement, hosts the 2nd largest Monkey Pox population.

Facts are facts, tragedy is tragic, and Monkey Pox can be avoided with self-control.  It's that simple.  I'm Max, and that's the way I see it!

P.S. The term 'bi-sexual' is a cop-out.  If you're homosexual, then you're homosexual.  Gay is gay and queer is queer.  You can change the label all you want and put all the lipstick you can on this pig ... you're a homsexual and that's it!

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