Monday, March 15, 2021



Volume 228                                 March 16, 2021


Love in all the wrong places

We in the West are often guilty of misplacing our affections.  As we live and prosper, it is natural for us to get a pet.  Pets can be great training tools for the young and, in so doing, instil within them a sense of responsibility.  It is this ‘pet training’ that often helps children to become responsible citizens.

Unfortunately, as we have prospered, we have become far too attached to our pets, dogs in particular.  A condition of the mind called “Cynophilia” describes those with too strong an affection for their animals.  Indeed, in many this misplaced affection borders on the manic or even the psychotic.

Once rare, the sin of Bestiality has grown in record numbers of late.  This is because some lose sight of their priorities and what true love truly is.  From lavishing our pets with inordinate affection and physical gifts to bathing with and sleeping with them, many have lost sight of reality.

An instance was brought to my attention recently where a mother complained to her friends citing the $2,000 she had spent on her son’s braces while boasting and revelling in the fact that she had paid over $3,000 for chemotherapy for her small dog.  This shows a horrifically misplace priority and affection.

She was seen to constantly remind, chide, and scold her son, assigning blame to him for having cost so much money while she was also seen cuddling her cancer-ridden dog and heaping praise and love upon it.  What of the boy?  What is he to think?  His mother, and all Cynophiliacs, hurt more people than they will ever know amid the clouds and confusion of their mental illness.

The Sage says, “Love is an affection, a gift, an award borne of the Holy Spirit.  Invest it wisely and without reckless abandon.  Applied foolishly it is cheapened, conveying ill rather than the good for which it was designed.

No one knows what is next, I am a sage.  I am not a prophet.  I pray for knowledge and I pray for wisdom.  Please pray with me.

Doel Cam Nai

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