Monday, March 8, 2021



Volume 208                                 March 9, 2021


By “Eyes on China” and “Paper Dragon” at

I could not help but notice, being a watcher of broadcast television, the incredibly one-sided conditioning in advertising media.  Now, as I watch television I expect to be bombarded with ads for everything from feminine hygiene products to nanny cams the size of a garden pea.  I’ve come to expect the avalanche of attorney advertisements begging people to sue the Boy Scouts and the churches for alleged sexual misconduct.  I’ve almost grown numb to the presence of other attorney ads saying, “Sue every drug company there is.  We’ll find a reason.  We’ll find a way.  We’ll settle out of court.  You’ll get money.”

All this on top of ads about how my favourite pizza can hit my house for ten dollars has made me just a little bit commercial weary, okay?  But my gripe, my real gripe, is about security commercials.  These are the ones designed to frighten you into buying their product while at the same time conditioning your moral response.

How does that work?  Ads like The Door Bull, The Ring, Simply Safe, Cop Cam, Blink, ADT, and a host of others, are guilty.  Good Lord, here’s what they’re doing:  In virtually every security related ad on TV today you see robbers, burglars, guys trying to break into somebody’s car, some guy trying to smash the door down and attack a little girl, sneak thieves, and felons of every stripe are portrayed.  Okay.  But every single one of them is Caucasian!  They’re all white men!

Not a single ad would dare, if you will, to portray a black guy in anything other than a positive light.  God forbid they should hurt the feelings of any black man or black woman!  It’s okay to dump on anyone other than the blacks for fear of Black Lives Matter, television network reprisal, and the entire media coming after you like a freight train.  These advertisers know that they could not survive.  Even you, the people listening to me right now, have been so conditioned through these ads over the years that you may well believe that white people are the root cause of crime.

How far we have fallen, when the once problematic prejudice held by the whites against blacks, has been turned around a complete 180!  A problematic and systemic prejudice held by the seeming majority of Americans is being pressed against white people instead.

Before, in the 50’s and 60’s there was a pretty noticeable prejudice against black people.  And now, that prejudice is against the whites!  It’s not just the blacks against the whites; it’s the whites against the whites!  Understand something.  In any colour, any race, any brand, bigotry and racial prejudice are unacceptable.  Racial prejudice is disgusting.  It is for this reason that I condemn all of these advertisers who deliberately paint white people as the leading criminal element in society.  Now they don’t come out and say that whites are the leading element, but isn’t it interesting how in every single ad they produce; in every one in which they show a perpetrator, he’s white!

They don’t want to get into Homeland Security and FBI statistics which tell us in black and white, if you will, which race is predominantly the most irresponsible, problematic, violent, and criminal.  Oh no, no, not that!  God help us if anyone uses actual fact to shape their advertisements to promote only profit.  If we realise that American Blacks represent fewer than one in eight people in this country, that’s about 12.5%, then we can see the amazing misrepresentation in virtually all commercial ads as well as television programming.  And it goes far beyond security products.

We can see the shockingly inordinate number of a distinct minority of the population being elevated so as to cause any stranger to this land, or idiot living in this land, to believe that our nation’s population consists really of only two races; white and black.  There is nobody else.  You’re either white or you’re black.  There’s no other race.

Forget about Native American Indians.  Forget about Chinese.  Forget about the Islanders.  Forget about the Hispanics.  There are only two races according to the media; the whites and the blacks.  Look at the ads.  It saddens me.  It disgusts me.  It alarms me that we have come so far from the middle to the black insanity of the left.  This grips our country and the very mindset of the American People.

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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