Monday, April 12, 2021



Volume 299                                 April 13, 2021


Buy Max Allen’s books, “Eyes on China” and “Paper Dragon” at

My Grandmother brought me up with sage wisdom, all of which managed to fit into a phrase or two.  I remember her saying, “You get what you pay for.”  I remember many such clichés including the age old, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me.”  Well, as true as these axioms have been, there is one I want to talk about which is as foreign to the Biden Administration as Greek is to Latin.

You remember this one don’t you?  If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”  You would think someone of Biden’s aging body and rotting mind would at least remember this one wouldn’t you?  As the Lyin’ Joe Biden has taken office it seems his only motto, credo if you will, and that is “If it ain’t broke, break it!  Without a second thought this guy has gone after virtually every programme implemented or endorsed by President Donald John Trump.

The crisis on the southern border had settled down and was actually under control during President Trump’s term of office.  The Trump administration had signed treaties with Mexico and other Central American countries to stem the flow of illegal aliens invading our border.  These treaties along with policies instituted by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) brought the alien crisis down from a flood to a trickle.  Okay, it worked.  Great!  Along comes Lyin’ Biden whose only mission it seems is to cancel and to erase all things Trump.

In his first week of office Biden tore up all agreements with every country south of the border, and then hamstrung our police on the border.  With that, a new ‘Border Crisis’ was born.  This crisis arose as hundreds of thousands of would-be illegal aliens saw America opening its arms and its borders to nearly anyone wanting to traipse across our border and hide in the folds of American society.  From asylum seekers to drug dealers, to rapists and felons of ever stripe … including terrorists … the flood is now fully underway.  Meanwhile Lyin’ Biden continues to deny there even is a crisis.

CBP folks on the border tell me it’s an unqualified disaster and that the decreased number of border agents coupled with gaping holes in the Trump Wall is allowing illegal aliens to the tune of tens of thousands a day to flood into a country no longer capable of maintaining its national boundaries.

Border Agents at all levels have been told that if they talk to the press their careers are over.  They have even been threatened with criminal prosecution for violation of the blanket gag order now in place.  Likewise news crews have been blocked from the border regions and forbidden access to the tragedy of hundreds of thousands of invaders pouring over our border, tossing infants over the wall, raiding child detention facilities, and far worse.  The media is largely muzzled as this continues.  Joe, I’m talking to you.  How about remembering that, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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