Thursday, April 15, 2021



Volume 306                                 April 16, 2021


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Nearly 90 years ago the Supreme Court granted MLB with complete immunity from antitrust laws.  This was not legislated, but simply ‘bestowed’ by the ‘holy hands’ of Oliver Wendell Holmes and his sycophants on the Supreme Court.  No such immunity has ever been ‘granted’ anywhere else.

Now, with MLB deciding they are a major political player and a force with which to be reckoned, it’s time to strip them of this undeserved gift.  After all, NBA, NHL, NFL, and a host of other sports organizations have had to live under the anti trust laws and have not enjoyed the many freebies accorded MLB.

Great news!  A bill is going through both houses in Washington which would strip these usurpers of this unwarranted and certainly undeserved protection.  Sure, this is largely in retaliation to MLB’s bowing to pressure and moving the All-Star Game out of the state of Georgia.  Were this move for practical reasons one could well understand … but it wasn’t!

Purely after power, the folks at Major League Baseball want to show the people of America that they are “stronger and wield more power than the legislatures of any states.”  There is no ‘Social Justice’ agenda here, but merely a power grab.

Like any monopoly, let’s see if once their immunity has evaporated, they aren’t faced with serious litigation that could well break up this monopoly.  Monopolies are bad for the economy, and they are bad for America.  When AT&T fell under the axe, the end result was their break up into a far more efficient and ‘consumer centric’ group of smaller competing firms.

Could this be a portent of what is to come for once friends ‘turned enemies’ of the people?  Let’s hope so.

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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