Thursday, April 1, 2021



Volume 275                                 April 2, 2021


Buy Max Allen’s “Paper Dragon” & “Eyes on China” at

When China Virus Hysteria hit it was government that told us we didn’t need face masks.  Then they told us we needed masks, maybe even two!  It’s clear as crystal that the powers-that-be are Hell-bent to keep you, the American Sheeple, in a constant state of fear.  The number of mask wearers is a key indicator how successful their scare campaign is.  Today I saw a young couple in a car, both wearing masks.  I saw an old lady walking her dog around the block, wearing a mask.  Masking is surrender!

The more we surrender ourselves to the mask, the tighter government’s grip on our lives will become.  You need to wake up!  Recent lies from government spin-doctors suggest that ‘new variants’ of the China Virus will crop up forever, requiring us to ‘mask up’ forever.  A new norm of dictatorship is underway!  A paper mask or a ‘bandito bandana’ will forever be in our future.  How is it you Sheeple, are eating it up?

To be sure you are traceable and compliant, Washington is discussing ‘personal identity papers’ under the name ‘Vaccine Passports’.  These would prove you’ve received the highly questionable and unpredictable vaccine.  A ‘Vaccine Passport’ will grant you access to businesses, public buildings, gas stations, airlines, and even hospitals!  It’s conceivable you could be restricted to your homes.

Don’t you see what they’re doing?  Open your eyes and ears!  The Jews in 1930’s and 40’s Germany were forced to wear a mark distinguishing them from others.  It was the gold ‘Star of David’ worn on their clothing.  American Sheeple already wear such a mark, it’s the ‘Mask of Compliance and Surrender’.  It’s already easy to tell free man from slave in this country!

As if gold stars weren’t enough, Nazi Germany issued identity papers [not unlike Vaccine Passports] without which one couldn’t go anywhere without escort.  This included hospitals and food stores.  Such papers were denied Catholics, Gypsies, and Jews, all enemies of the Reich.  With papers and Gold Stars they were tracked for future execution and worse.

The proposed ‘Vaccine Passport’ is even worse as it would allow government to track your every move.  Go to the store; they know.  Go to church; they know.  Leave your house; they know.

All of this horror is courtesy of the spin doctors of Washington who have done well conditioning you detestable Sheeple and bending you to their will far more easily than anyone could have guessed.  This ‘Vaccine PassportIS the Mark of the Beast!  Accept it at your own peril!

Take the vaccine and carry the ‘Vaccine Passport’: at your own risk.  Wear the masks: at your own risk.  Bow to the whims and edicts of a government gone off the rails: at your own risk!  Yours is the choice whether to enjoy some temporal comfort in exchange for eternal damnation, or stand and fight that which you know is wrong.

You know it’s wrong!  In your hearts you know right from wrong!  The choice is yours, either stalwart or craven coward!  The Choice is yours!

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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