Thursday, April 22, 2021



Volume 322                                 April 23, 2021


Buy Max Allen’s books, “Eyes on China” & “Paper Dragon” at

The dangers of continual wearing of face masks outweigh their dubious protective value.  Since masking became the ‘woke’ thing to do and herds of millions have gone to wearing masks we can see the ill effects.

According to S. Clive Andrews, MD, PhD a specialist in the study of viral spread and propagation we know this …

1.  There is sufficient medical evidence to show that wearing a paper or cloth mask does not protect one from the China Virus, or any other virii for that matter.

2.  Studies have confirmed that continually wearing N95 masks or ‘double masking’ reduces blood oxygen levels.  Long term use of these destroys brain cells and affects vision and motor skills.

3.  Masking up’ and social distancing have wrought irreparable damage to our social and familial structures.


Okay, that’s the medical and social side but how about this: Figures culled from the NCIC database by Henry Ashton, PhD, a specialist in criminal sociology at the Rock Island Institute show this …

1.  Since masks have become commonplace, violent crime has escalated nationwide by over 300%.  FBI statistics show that wearing a mask emboldens criminals as it grants them much wanted anonymity.  Psychologically, this gives a criminal a very real and often exaggerated confidence as he or she breaks the law.

2.  Wearing masks as common practice has caused the public at large to be less cautious and more accepting of strangers.  Even though masking has become the ‘woke’ thing to do, there still exists a certain level of apprehension in society at large.  This apprehension is a small but definite wedge prying away the fabric of our society and cutting away at people’s ‘comfort zones’.

3.  In commission of any crime, wearing a mask makes it impossible to identify even the most violent of criminals.   Security cameras have become all but obsolete in the face of today’s ‘masking up’.

Given the dubious benefits and definite hazards of wearing masks it’s probably a good idea to ditch the ‘face diapers’ and ‘bandito bandanas’ and get on with your lives.

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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