Tuesday, April 27, 2021



Volume 341                                 April 28, 2021



Buy and read Max Allen’s book, “Paper Dragon” on Amazon.com

America has suffered inestimable and incalculable damage due to the many missteps, miscalculations, and outright lies of the Centres for Disease Control.  Their ‘reign of error’ has damaged our people socially, materially, financially, politically, and emotionally and you have no recourse because you all blindly followed every word to come out of the mouths of CDC shills like disgraced Dr. Anthony Fauci and others.

For the whole story click here:  https://nypost.com/2021/04/27/the-cdcs-reign-of-error-has-done-incalculable-harm-to-america/

For well over a year, the CDC has imposed draconian restrictions on the everyday lives of Americans.  Their premise has been to control the spread of a disease greatly exaggerated in its scope and power.  The liars at the CDC have disregarded the psychological harm and economic losses their restrictions inflicted with seeming indifference.  Now evidence is emerging that their restrictions were based on voodoo science, flimsy math, and outright guesswork.

Last week, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology proved the CDC’s six-foot social-distancing rule has absolutely no basis in science.  They also proved, beyond any doubt, that if you’re indoors your risk is the same whether an infected person is 6 feet away from you or 60 feet away from you.

Now, how does that make you feel, having stood in so many lines always maintaining your ‘social distance’ of 6 feet?  It’s funny actually, but in the end the joke’s on you!  You bit hook, line, and sinker blindly following their litany of lies without question.  You were too lazy to do your homework and too cowardly to speak up.  You followed CDC even when their advice contradicted itself.  You Sheeple took it as gospel and did as you were told.  Like so many lemmings charging toward a cliff, you just kept on following.  Are you ashamed of yourselves?  You should be!

In the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, MIT researchers explained that an infected person emits the virus in an aerosol that can waft across indoor space, traveling even more than 60 feet.  The ‘magic 6-foot rule’, which restaurants, churches, schools, gyms, and retailers follow, offers no protection whatsoever.  The key factors seem to be whether you’re wearing a properly rated mask and how much time you spend in the space.

On Sunday, White House Virus Guru, the disgraced Dr. Anthony Fauci, pulled the veil off another CDC guideline: wearing masks outdoors. He admitted the risk of contracting the China Virus outdoors is “really, really quite low.”  Only now, as the extremely credible medical and scientific sources shed light into the darkness of his lies does Fauci begin to ‘rephrase and reiterate’ to keep himself out of trouble.  Hell, this guy’s been caught in more lies than Bill Clinton!

Scientists have known this ‘new information’ now being released for several months because outdoor air movement will disperse the aerosol.  You’d have to be talking nose-to-nose with an infected person to catch the China Virus outdoors.

What really sucks is that Fauci has almost certainly known this all along.

But then, with so many millions of dollars at stake from his ownership in Moderna Pharmaceutical and his many patents controlling virus research, I guess it’s safe to say that he’s had a very big dog in the fight!

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden announced that the CDC’s guidance is eliminating most outdoor masking for people who are vaccinated. The truth is outdoor masking is ridiculous in nearly all circumstances whether you’re vaccinated or not.  It’s inconsistent with what scientists know about how the virus spreads.

What we also know is that the mainstream media in this country has been complicit in their efforts to see, in the words of former advertising executive NAMELESS, “We wanted to see just how much influence we really had, and this put the icing on the cake for us.  It was a tremendous success.”

Okay America, now that you realize you have been lied to, what are you going to do about it?  We’ve been lied to on and off for as long as this reporter has been alive but this lie really tops all others.  I ask again, what are you going to do about it?  My guess is … nothing!

You are a pack of lazy, indifferent, self-absorbed, stupid, and largely illiterate Sheeple.  You make me sick!  I deplore all of the Sheeple in this country, leaving only room on my plate for people who read, listen, research, and move with decidedly factual evidence in all matters.

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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